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Scottish Rugby’s member clubs today gave a ringing endorsement to the new governance structure proposed by Sheriff Bill Dunlop’s working party.

At a special general meeting at Murrayfield clubs approved bye-law amendments which ensure that Scottish Rugby is to be run by one autonomous decision-making Board – the Scottish Rugby Board.

The Board will run the business of the SRU subject only to its accountability to the major stakeholders in the Scottish game – the clubs, whose representatives will be elected to a Scottish Rugby Council, replacing the existing General Committee.

The role of the Council will be to review and advise the Board.

Clubs supported an amendment from Boroughmuir, seconded by Dundee HSFP, to determine the make-up of the Scottish Rugby Council. It will comprise 15 representatives:
• five from the clubs in the leagues (one each from clubs in Premier 1, Premier 2 and Premier 3 and two to represent clubs in the National Leagues not organised on a regional basis);
• five from clubs outwith the national leagues to be selected on a district basis ie one each from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Borders, North and Midlands;
• and five comprising representatives of the Scottish Women’s Rugby Union, the Scottish Rugby Referees Association, the Scottish Rugby Union Schools Division; the soon-to-be formalised Scottish Rugby Players’ Association; and the President of the Union (who will be elected by clubs)

An amendment to include a representative of a Scottish Exiles Association on the new Council, proposed by Irvine and seconded by Kilmarnock and Ellon, was lost by 94 votes to 59.

An amendment proposed by Aberdeen GSFP and seconded by Kirkcaldy, Hillhead/Jordanhill, Alloa, Hillfoots, Selkirk and Kelso to retain the office of vice-president of the Union was also defeated.

SRU President Gordon Dixon told delegates at the start of today’s two-hour gathering: “The decisions taken today are vital to our progress in delivering a future which will be sustainable, stable, harmonious and forward-thinking.

“Many people have put a lot of hard work into ensuring Scottish Rugby is at the forefront of sport in Scotland, Britain and, indeed, the northern hemisphere in general – we must ensure that this remains the case.

“In stressing this point, I can assure you that not only will the eyes of the rugby public and the sporting bodies here in Scotland be upon this gathering today but also those of the members of the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Executive who will be mindful of what you the clubs decide today.

“I have been left in no doubt that they require us to demonstrate good governance appropriate for a leading national sporting body. We quite clearly could not argue that the way things have been managed in the past was appropriate or acceptable.”

At the close of the meeting Dixon said: “I believe that you, the clubs, may have actually set the basis on which we can finally achieve a lasting harmony throughout our great sport.

“I would ask everyone in this room today to take on board the fact that as a consequence of the democratic process, decisions have been reached and agreed, and that they be accepted by all so that we can move our game forward, ensuring that all those who have an interest in Scottish Rugby, whether it be player, supporter, sponsor, member of the media, administrator or politician can once again have confidence and trust in our governance and trust in Scottish Rugby.

“Anyone who fails to appreciate and accept this basic fact must recognise that it will result in serious consequences for our game here in Scotland and I cannot emphasise that point enough.”

This article was posted on 10-Apr-2005, 17:29 by Hugh Barrow.

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