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~ Four out of ten would rather ‘wait and see’ if chest pain gets better than dial 999 ~

A staggering 43% of Scots would not make 999 their first call if they suspected they were having a heart attack, a survey for the British Heart Foundation (BHF) has revealed (1).

And Scots, who have the highest death rates from heart disease in the UK, are the least likely people in the UK to dial 999 if they are alone and suffering chest pain – the main symptom of a heart attack. Nearly 7 out of ten (69%), say they would call someone else first.

The findings, from a YouGov poll, are revealed as the BHF today launches its ‘Doubt Kills’ campaign, urging people not to delay in calling 999 if they are experiencing chest pain. The campaign features a billboard advert showing a man with a belt tightening around his chest, with the caption ‘A chest pain is your body saying call 999’.

Professor Peter Weissberg, BHF Medical Director, said: “These statistics portray a very worrying reluctance to call 999 even in the most serious of emergencies. Maybe it is our natural reserve and stoicism, but it is costing lives.

“Every second counts when you are having a heart attack, and the quicker you call 999 the greater your chances of survival. Unfortunately too many people waste vital minutes questioning their symptoms – our message is if you’re suffering chest pain, call 999 immediately, because doubt kills.”

Evidence shows that people experiencing heart attack symptoms delay an average of 90 minutes before an ambulance is called. By the time treatment to restore blood flow to the heart is given, an average of 2 hours and 40 minutes has passed (2) – but in many cases this delay is even longer. Those who receive treatment 4-6 hours after the onset of symptoms are twice as likely to die as those who get treatment within 1-2 hours (3).

The YouGov poll showed that most people in Scotland would first call their partner, friend, relative, GP or NHS 24 when experiencing chest pain - with 85% citing doubt about the seriousness of the situation to be what stops them dialling 999, and 37% preferring to ‘wait and see’ if their chest pain gets better.

The ‘Doubt Kills’ campaign aims to help reduce death and disability from coronary heart disease, which remains Scotland’s single biggest killer with almost 11,000 deaths in 2004 (4).

Professor Weissberg added: “Someone suffers a heart attack every two minutes in the UK, and about one in three dies before reaching hospital. Many more suffer life-long debilitation because their heart muscle has been permanently damaged. Sadly many of these deaths and heart muscle damage could have been avoided if people had sought help immediately. Successful treatments for heart attacks are available in the form of clot-busting drugs and procedures to open blocked arteries.

“Central chest pain is the most common warning sign of a heart attack, but it does not have to be excruciating to be a serious problem. The most common mistake people make is to assume it is indigestion, so anyone experiencing bad indigestion-like symptoms should call for help, particularly if they are not prone to indigestion normally.”

There are also other symptoms to be aware of such as a dull chest pain that radiates to the left arm or jaw, breathlessness and sweating – a combination of which can indicate urgent danger.

Tommy Gribbon from Irvine had just turned 40 when he suffered a heart attack while cycling home from his brother’s house.

Tommy, now 44, said: “I felt a burning pain like a hot knitting needle going through my chest. I was in a lot of pain and I remember thinking this couldn’t be heartburn. I wasn’t actually doubled up, but I knew there was something wrong.”

He phoned his brother-in-law Brian Church straight away and he delivered Tommy to hospital within 15 minutes. “If it wasn’t for his quick thinking I might not be here today,” said Tommy, who was in the high dependency ward at Crosshouse Hospital, Kilmarnock, for five days. “The hospital staff all helped to save, and to change, my life,” said Tommy.

“I wasn’t overweight, I didn’t like fatty foods and I ate quite healthily, although I enjoyed the odd kebab. However I did smoke 10 or 15 cigarettes a day. I was a couch potato during the week and it was discovered that I had a very high cholesterol level.”

The first thing he did after the heart attack was give up smoking. Tommy now cycles 130 to 180 miles a week and attends cardiac rehab keep-fit classes. He is also a fund-raiser for British Heart Foundation Scotland. Tommy added: “Cycling has become a very important part of my life. I’ve never felt so healthy!”

The campaign also has the support of the Scottish Ambulance Service. Its Chief Executive, Adrian Lucas, said: “Our Emergency Medical Dispatch Centres deal with over 38,000 calls to 999 about chest pain every year, making it the number one reason for calls in Scotland.

“Treatment starts as soon as the call is answered, and the operator’s questions are vital in informing the medical advice given over the phone while the ambulance is rushing to the patient. In the case of a cardiac arrest, the combination of early medical advice, such as cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, and the skills and expertise of our crews when they arrive, can make the difference between life and death and significantly influence the quality of life after recovery.”

As part of the campaign, the BHF is sending more than 750,000 leaflets to all GP surgeries and Co-op Pharmacies and the campaign poster will go up on 313 billboards across Scotland. People are urged to visit the campaign website,, for more information about how to recognise the symptoms of a heart attack and what to do. The leaflet can also be ordered by calling 0870 600 6566.

This article was originally posted on 22-Nov-2006, 12:03 by Hugh Barrow.
Last updated by Hugh Barrow on 22-Nov-2006, 21:23.

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