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And Al Macintosh's follow up


Is SRU’s governance structure in place?
In Kevin Ferrie's report, "SRU head for conflict with their president' (Fans with Laptops, March 20), there was a quote from a Scottish Rugby Union spokesman who said: "There is an excellent governance system in place which is the envy of other unions".

I was one of the many club representatives who voted for this system and who firmly believes in it. However good it may look on paper, though, it is the actual implementation of the system that is the important factor.

By this time (the Dunlop report was conducted five years ago), I would have hoped that every member of the paid executive and of the volunteer council would have specific role descriptions and associated performance objectives so that their individual performances could be measured and rewarded.

The fact that the president is actually putting together his own objectives would indicate that perhaps the governance structure isn't actually fully implemented even after five years.

If every member of the paidexecutive and all members of council have personal performance objectives written down and which are regularly reviewed then I will shut up.

If not, we are being incredibly negligent and wewill never get the best out of our paid and volunteer executives.

Allan Mackintosh, by email

This article was posted on 24-Mar-2009, 08:04 by Hugh Barrow.

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