Glasgow Hawks Rugby Club Glasgow Hawks Rugby Ball 2014

GHK update from Ally F

GHK News - The View from the First Man Over the Top

For All The Pitch Is A Stage

“You need three things in the theater - the play, the actors and the audience, - and each must give something”
Kenneth Haighs ( March 1931-) Actor whose performance so moved one young woman.

Men, our great game of Rugby Union, like theatre, is a reflection of life - for both have a front row and a plot that may yet have a twist in her tail.

Our audience have a demand on us and we should not deceive their expectations. Never was cause or man supported with more constancy, more activity, more spirit. We have been supported with a zeal indeed and heartiness, which (if their object had been at all proportioned to their endeavors) could never be sufficiently commended. So far they are not disappointed. If we possess nothing else, I am sure we possess the fervor that is fit for service.

I shall ever retain, what I now feel, the most perfect and grateful attachment to the Regiment and I have no regrets; nor resentment for where we are. We can consider honesty to engagements, and constancy in the field, but with the highest approbation; even when those noble qualities have been questioned. Each Man, is fortunate as I have been in this contest, and enjoys a consolation full of honour both to himself and to his chest. But we certainly, within the remaining Acts must not leave anything undone for the service. We owe that much to ourselves before all else.

As for the trifling petulance of cameo performances or interludes, these cannot be permitted to make the slightest impression on our endeavors. We hear them, and we must look to the lights in the arena of our auditorium. For Men, when you enjoy the serene air from your cockpit, look down upon the Gulls, that skim the mud of your river, when it is exhausted of its tide.

Certainly, Men, it is the happiness and glory of the Regiment to live in the strictest union, the closest correspondence, and the most unreserved communication with its constituents. Any performers wishes have great weight with one another; their opinion high respect; their hair dye unquestioned or dropped at the lineout. It is our duty to realise our Club’s pleasures, its satisfactions. Such aspirations cannot be grasped without mature judgment, enlightened conscience, and deep sacrifice. To a Man we owe, not only industry, but judgment and a forward looking eye for we are playing the long game.

The weight of duty, I confess, makes me tremble; and whoever considers what it is, of all things in the world will fly from what has the least likeness to a positive and precipitate engagement. To be a good Man, is, let me tell you, no easy task; especially at this time, when there is so strong a disposition to run into the perilous extremes of servile compliance. To unite circumspection with vigour, is absolutely necessary; I acknowledge the stage looks high from the orchestra pit but take heart that we are now a rich grouping; We are Members of a great Nation, which however is building itself into a great Empire, extended by our Virtue and our Fortune to the farthest limits of Caledonia and the Borders.

Men, be assured that we must persevere in our collective intentions, which at present dictates our path together. As a Regiment we must attend this cause with diligence, and I trust with effect. For, if I know any thing of myself, my full conviction, that induces me to tell you—the fat lady has not yet sung.

Padre Dunlop has a new hairpiece and Assistant Adjutant General Shambilton is wigged in the Auld Reekie. The Prince can be seen via long distance lens.

The Regiment for tomorrow’s game against Hawick Linden at Volunteer Park 3:00pm kick-off, is as follows: 

15 D ‘Anton Edelmann ’ Hoffmann
14 F ‘Fanny Craddock‘ Campbell Young
13 R ‘Gino Di Campo‘ Johnston
12 S ‘Nigella Lawson‘ Robertson
11 P ’Albert Roux’ Ritchie
10 S ‘Kevin Woodford’ O’Donnell
9 A ‘Gary Rhodes‘ Shedden

1 A ‘Heston Blumenthal’ Forbes

2 G ‘Antony Worrall Thompson‘ Reid
3 C ‘If Clarrisa Dickson Wright and David Myers made hay, you’d get...‘ McClay

4 A ‘Ainslie Harriot‘ Drummond
5 R ‘Marco Pierre White’ Niven
6 E ‘Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall‘ Thow

7 A ‘Ken Hom’ Cummings

8 R ‘Sophie Grigson‘ Shedden

16 S ‘Gordon Ramsay‘ Cameron
17 J ‘Keith Floyd‘ Lohoar
18 A ‘Delia Smith’ Fleming

Genuine best wishes and a thick slice of Dundee cake to all Anniesland teams this weekend.

Yours as always, running towards the gunfire in front row union, ball in hand and making ground, with a Samoan sidestep, handoff and correct presentation. Never beaten, its best Mizuno boot forward and onto the second phase. With thoughts of Ralgex jerseys and opportunities with armpit hair. Crouch. Touch. Pause. Engage. Heart in the fire. Head in the Icebox. Always look to the left in a photograph, mon frere. Take one for the columbarium-fanciers. Thames Rowing Club. Like the leader of a buffalo stampede. Never tippex your face. It’s on. More electrical tape needed. Three times round. One phase is not a phase. A parapet is to be hurdled. Pa. Ma. Ra. Ra. Ra. Ra.

Disco [Cpt.]

Supporting Note: Major Ken Cowan is an acronym for Carl Philipp Gottlieb von Clausewit.


This article was posted on 1-Apr-2010, 22:39 by Hugh Barrow.

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