Glasgow Hawks Rugby Club Glasgow Hawks Rugby Ball 2014

Accies update from Gordon W

                    ACCIES  RUGBY  NEWSLETTER………….  SAT. 24th.SEPTEMBER,  2011.
          Last Saturday saw one of the biggest turn-outs for a long time, to watch Accies 1st. XV, which was brought about by the return of GHK to the same League as Accies, due to the restructuring and regionalisation taking place this year in Scottish rugby. It was great for the club to have this local derby on the fixture list after an absence of 15 years. Sadly, the result was disappointing from an Accies rugby point of view. However, it was an exciting contest, and we have to admit that GHK were the better team on the day, winning 24 – 14.  The pre-match lunch was a great success, and much enjoyed by all.
            Invited guests included two SRU representatives who had been heavily involved in last season’s negotiations to bring about Regionalisation, and the re-structuring of the leagues,  … namely John Davidson from Jed, and Jim Greenwood from Berwick.  Accies formed a strong friendship with both John and Jim, who are both Board members, as well as being on the SRU Council. We were honoured that they accepted our invitation, and delighted they travelled so far to be with us.
         We were also delighted to welcome David McGregor from the Royal Bank. He is manager of the Maryhill Road branch, and presented us with a cheque for £500 to help finance coach hire for our away matches to the “ Solway coast”.  The Royal Bank have not only sponsored Scottish Rugby, but have also shown a great commitment to Club rugby, for which we are most grateful.
           The committee are working hard to raise funds for the section, and are pleased to report that a ‘Race night’ organised by the players in the evening, after the GHK match raised £800.  Many supporters have already given very generously to sponsor players, however we would still seek your financial support of  £100 (minimum), to sponsor a player, if you haven’t already done so. Please send donations to Gordon Wilson, ‘Kilbrannan’, Gryffe Road,  KILMACOLM,  PA13.4BB with cheques made payable to ‘Glasgow Accies Sports Club’.
JAZZ NIGHT  …..   Saturday, 15th.October, in the Clubhouse.  …..  George McLaren is arranging the evening, and has arranged a great band. Exact details including cost, will be announced in the next Newsletter, or can be obtained by phoning Dr George McLaren on --  .. 0141 943 0085 (evenings).
MATCH  vs.  ANNAN (AWAY)…. TOMORROW  …..  Sat. 24TH. SEPT.
The team for this week shows 6 changes from last week, four through injury, and two players being unavailable through work. Captain Stewart Smith, v/captain Andy Jackson, Adam Taylor and Steven Fyfe are all injured, while Matteo Giovanazzi and Stephen O’Donnell have work commitments.
This week’s team selection brings about a very rare occurrence,….. that is, three brothers playing in the same Accies team.  The Walker brothers.   Jack has played in the side for a few seasons. He and his twin brother Michael are both products of St Columbas, Kilmacolm.  Michael has just returned from playing for Lancaster University.  Younger brother Harry left St. Columbas a few years ago to attend the Academy, and is presently in his final year at school.  He is a Scotland u/18 player, and played his first match for Accies last week.  We wonder if this is a ‘first’ for Accies, having three brothers in the side, and would welcome a call from anyone who knows of any other such ‘record’.  
TEAM  ….
    15… Craig Wright    14 Mike Hermes     13  Harry Walker    12  Jamie Doig.  11  Stewart Seaton  
                                             9  Ali McLaren    10   Cameron McCall
       1  Elliott McLaren.   2  Dave Calder   3  Fabio Marchetti   4  Pete Meiklem   5  Michael Walker
                                    6  Kenny Beattie   7  Roddy Kelso   8  Jack Walker.
                SUBS……….   16  Chris McAlpine   17  Chris Wright   18  Simon Young.

This article was posted on 24-Sep-2011, 09:51 by Hugh Barrow.

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